
You and I were created in the very image of the Creator of the Universe. He designed each of us intricately and uniquely and showers us with Abundance.

There’s MORE to this Abundance than we presently wield. I’m on a journey of learning to whole-heartedly embrace and steward with passion the abundant life that has been given to me. Lambano Life. Come along with me!


Just A Girl With A Lunch

Why Blog? What could I possibly have to say that hasn’t already been thought and spoken with greater eloquence? It’s a valid question, valid enough to keep me quiet for several years now. Would you be confused if I told you the reason is it’s fish and bread?

I love the gospels: The Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have several favorite stories, but the Feeding of the 5 Thousand keeps speaking my language as of late. Jesus didn’t need the disciples’ help or the contributions of a child who planned ahead for lunch. Still, he involved them all in His process. Not only did He satisfy the hunger of more than 5 thousand people, His miracle produced MORE than they could eat: Abundance. Overflow.

Why does the God who does everything flawlessly chooses to enlist our help in displaying His glorious perfection and unfailing love to a broken world? I don’t know. All I know is that there was a kid who gave a couple of fish and some bread to the Savior and got to watch Him feed a hungry multitude using his puny offering.

God has planted treasure in each of us for the sake of His Kingdom and He wants us to be uninhibited in giving it. Blogging is my Fish and Bread. I know it’s small, but in the miraculous ability of Jesus to multiply every gift; Be Fed.

Important Things…