
Author: julie giblin

I Was

a girl with some successes and dreams. I had every intention of making them happen. I wasn’t anti-God, in fact I would have said I was totally living for Him. In retrospect, I wasn’t so much a follower of Jesus as I was religious. I had a lot of aspirations that were more about my Kingdom than His. When the things I was living for weren’t satisfying me the way I had imagined they might, I started to question my religious practices and beliefs.

But Then

God showed up for me in some pretty life-changing ways. He invited me to be a “Nobody” for Jesus. I knew what He meant as soon as I heard it. No one is a “Nobody” in His Kingdom, but there are people who trade in their dreams for His. If I’m honest, I spent some precious years chasing other options. Nothing satisfied. I took Him up on His invitation.

And Now

I’m ALL-IN. I’m convinced that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life just like He said He was. I’ve heard His voice, I’ve experienced His faithfulness, and It’s my life goal to know Him more and to give encouragement for the journey to others.