
It was probably a month ago that the Lord high-lighted to me the story of the 12 spies. It’s in Numbers 13 & 14, not a book I venture into so often, but the Lord was speaking through it and wanted me to understand some things. I’ve never paid a whole lot of attention to Caleb before, but I could feel Holy Spirit highlighting him as I read it. I journaled about it and thought about blogging, but life got in the way and honestly fear of man did too. It felt like a now-word to me in the moment, but I’m pretty new to all things prophetic, so I didn’t do anything with it. Now I’m hearing about the Caleb-Spirit over and over again. The bad news is, I might be a bit late to the game. The good news is the Caleb-Spirit is actually timeless, and the upcoming months are going to require it of us if we are going to take possession of our inheritance.

What is the Caleb-Spirit? I’d be remiss if I didn’t first encourage you to go and read Numbers 13 & 14 for yourself before taking my word for it. And Ask Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you there. I assure you, getting it first-hand from Holy Spirit is way better than anything I can give you second-hand. The middle of Chapter 14 records a dialogue between Moses and God. God spews his frustrations with the people and contrasts his servant Caleb saying, “But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.” I don’t know whether you are wired the same way I am, but I read those words and everything within me cries out wanting to acquire that kind of approval from my Heavenly Father. I want to walk in the fullness of everything I was made for and live in the blessing of everything He has for me. I don’t want to miss a thing, so I have to ask the questions, what made His spirit different and what does following fully look like?

Caleb speaks twice to the congregation and gives us a clue as to how his spirit was different. First, Caleb fixed his attention on the size of his God while his counterparts focused on the size of the opposition. Secondly, he was convinced of the faithfulness of God to fulfill His promise. Thirdly Caleb understood the significance of his own obedience to outcomes. Every one of us needs to go back and read this paragraph slowly. Those three things: How are our spirits doing in these areas? Where’s our focus? What do we really believe about God’s faithfulness? How committed are we to obedience?

I don’t think we can Follow Fully without the inner stuff of the previous paragraph being established first. It’s the reason the congregation followed the 10 spies’ advice instead of Caleb and Joshua’s. Hebrews 3 gives us more insight into the opposite spirit at work in them: “they always go astray in their heart, and they did not know My ways,” and “So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.” In Hebrews 4, Paul uses this very story exhorting us to avoid the same mistake: “but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.” I think that’s it. Following fully is a product of faith united with hearing. And true faith acts. Caleb was in the minority, but his inner beliefs about himself and his God were solid, and his faith was legitimate. He stood up with a boldness that gets our attention and didn’t back down even when the people wanted to stone him to death.

Can I admit something to you? I have been a sucker for the approval of people most of my life. There was a time when I might have looked at a situation like Caleb’s and thought, “Oh well, so I’ll miss out on what was promised. At least no one will be mad at me.” What? How stupid is that, not just for us and the inheritance offered to us, but for our descendants who stand to gain it with us? There are probably some who look at this and think, what am I missing out on? I’ve got my ticket to heaven. God hasn’t made me any other promises. Read the book again, my friend. Ask the Holy Spirit for new eyes and fresh revelation. We’ve barely scratched the surface of what He’s promised us. There’s so much more. Don’t miss out. “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. Do not fall short of His promises. Hear His words and unite them with Faith.” (Heb 3)

Teach us Father how to follow you fully, no shortcuts. Teach us to know you and to know your ways. Purify us so completely that our Spirits align with you, and we walk in the boldness of Caleb.


the God who meets us


He Makes A Way