A Day In The Life…

I usually consider myself an open book. I’ve had to lock a few pages down here and there in the last few years because not every story belongs only to me. It surprised me then when the Lord suggested I post one of my daily conversations with Him on this blog and I felt myself resist. I guess it’s personal. Not everyone will be able to read it and not start singing the theme from “The Twilight Zone”, or rolling their eyes and raising their eyebrows. It’s good. I want to be rid of fearing what people think. This is me. This is the kind of conversing I do with Him daily. The God who made everything speaks to me. I know right?!! Crazy. But True. And He wants to talk to you too. Think I’m crazy, or believe it’s possible and seek to hear Him too. It’s up to you.

Journal Entry - 01/23/2022

Me: So Lord, What’s on your mind today?

( I listen intently with a pen in my hand. Soon I find myself visualizing the road underneath my footpegs and the wind whistling past my windshield, grazing the top of my helmet. I can hear the whistle of the tires rolling over the pavement. I’m taking in the fragrance of the wild flowers in the grassy ditches, in awe of the rolling hills with the mountains in the distance. I lean slightly and the motorcycle glides to the left avoiding the pothole in front of my tire. I think about how few things in my world parallel the adventure and excitement of the spiritual journey like riding a motorcycle. And then I remember…oops…I was listening and must have gotten distracted. Or was it His idea that I consider the parallels?)

Me: Was that you Lord, or me? I fear I may have been wasting time.

[No Child, not wasting. Tereo… savoring…]

Me: To what good end Lord?

[You’ve always worried about the End Game. It keeps you from savoring the journey.]

Me: Hmmm. I know you’re right Lord, but teach me. You did that. You did many things with the end in mind: “For the Joy set before Him, He endured the cross.” And, you told us to “Count the Cost”. That’s looking way ahead right? How shall I think about that?

[There’s peace and rest, and an ability to soak up the Journey because I already defined End Game. I’ve created beauty in your end game, but I’ve also got treasures along the way for you to discover and savor. Don’t be in such a hurry. Journey with me. “This is Eternal Life, that they KNOW ME.”]

(Sensed the Lord encouraging me to Post this…and then fear rose up…)

Me: Really Lord. Would you want me to post such?

[Not everyone knows that intimate, personal relationship with me is truly possible. Yep, you may get criticized, but if even one person longing to truly know me acquires the hope of what is possible and sets themselves on a path to pursue…]

Me: Yes Lord, it would be worth whatever disdain I feel from those who find it blasphemous or ridiculous. Yeesh, I surrender. Fear of Man be gone in Jesus Name, you have no authority here.


He Makes A Way


Navigating Mind Swirl